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Landmarks Illinois announces $34,000 in grant funding to people saving places in communities across the state

CHICAGO, Dec. 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A 19th-century opera hall, an iconic Route 66 attraction and a nationally-recognized round barn are among the historic places Landmarks Illinois is helping people preserve through grant funding. Landmarks Illinois has awarded $34,000 to nine preservation projects across the state through its Preservation Heritage Fund and Barbara C. and Thomas E. Donnelley II Preservation Fund for Illinois grant programs. Grant-funded projects are in the Illinois communities of Anna, Chicago, Gibson City, Hometown, McLean, Mendon, Princeton and Rockford.

Preservation Heritage Fund grant recipients
Landmarks Illinois’ Preservation Heritage Fund grants provide monetary assistance to significant structures or sites in Illinois that are under threat of demolition, in imminent deterioration, in need of stabilization, in need of structural or reuse evaluation or need to be evaluated for landmark eligibility.

A total of $29,000 in matching grants has been awarded to seven Illinois preservation efforts in this latest round of grant funding. Visit our website to learn more about each grant recipient.

Donnelley Preservation Fund grant recipients
The Barbara C. and Thomas E. Donnelley II Preservation Fund for Illinois provides monetary assistance to preserve or protect significant structures and sites in Illinois that are under threat of demolition, in imminent deterioration, in need of stabilization, in need of structural or reuse evaluation or need to be evaluated for landmark eligibility.

Two grants totaling $5,000 were awarded recently through the Donnelley Preservation Fund. Visit our website to learn more about each grant-funded preservation project.

More about Landmarks Illinois grants
Landmarks Illinois grants are given on a matching basis, requiring the recipient to raise funds equal or greater to the Landmarks Illinois grant amount. Landmarks Illinois grant funding is used toward preserving historic and significant places in communities throughout the state. Often, these small grants help spark community engagement around the preservation of a place and help boost local fundraising efforts for the preservation project. 

Grant applications for the next round of funding through the Preservation Heritage Fund and Barbara C. and Thomas E. Donnelley II Preservation Fund for Illinois grant programs are due April 1, 2025.   

About Landmarks Illinois
Landmarks Illinois is a membership-based, historic preservation nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving, protecting and promoting the places people across Illinois value. We advocate for the sustainable reuse of historic resources, provide expertise and free resources on preservation and work to ensure that historic places remain a vital part of the state’s communities. We are People Saving Places for People. For more information, visit


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