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Global Adipic Acid Market Poised for Robust Growth Amidst Rising Demand for Nylon Production and Sustainable Alternatives | Future Market Insights, Inc.

NEWARK, Del, Jan. 31, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The global adipic acid market is estimated to experience significant growth in the forecast period from 2025 to 2035, which expands a strong CAGR of 4.9%. Inspired by increasing demand in industries such as motor vehicle, textiles and construction, adipic acid remains an important component in the production of nylon 6,6, polyurethane resins and various coatings. Increasing light and durable materials in automotive construction, in association with the expansion textile sector, is expected to increase the market. By the end of 2035, the sales of global adipic acid are estimated to reach an assessment of an USD 11,819.0 million, strengthening its increasing importance in industrial applications worldwide.

Due to the production of waste nitrous oxide, the current commercial petrochemical process that produces adipic acid from KA oil and is catalyzed by nitric acid seriously pollutes the environment. Therefore, creating more environmentally friendly ways to generate adipic acid has drawn significant interest from both industry and academics.

Cyclohexane and phenol have been primarily used in the commercial synthesis of adipic acid.

Automobile makers are currently using more sophisticated plastic materials to reduce weight and improve the fuel efficiency of vehicles as a result of current environmental and economic concerns. A recent study found that every 10% decrease in vehicle weight results in a 6-8% reduction in fuel consumption.

In the consumer electronics sector, electronic products, including smartphones, OLED TVs, tablets, and other similar devices, are growing at the fastest rate. The demand for adipic acid is expected to be driven by an increase in the need for electronic goods in the near future.

Adipic Acid Industry Overview

The global adipic acid market is observed by its widespread application in the production of nylon 6,6, polyurethane and various other industrial products. It is used with better mechanical properties and versatility in industries of adipic acid, a major organic compound, widely textile, motor vehicle and consumer goods. The market is estimated to experience a significant expansion in the coming years as light material demands, high-demonstrations polymers, and bio-based options continue to increase.

Increasing emphasis on durable and environmentally friendly production methods is also advancing manufacturers to develop bio-based adipic acid solutions, further increase in market.

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Market Growth Drivers

  1. Surging Demand for Nylon 6,6: Adipic acid serves as a crucial raw material in the production of nylon 6,6, which is extensively used in the automotive and textile industries. The rising demand for durable, lightweight materials in the automotive sector is significantly boosting the consumption of adipic acid.
  2. Expanding Automotive and Textile Industries: The growing adoption of nylon-based materials for various automotive components and high-performance textiles is a major growth driver.
  3. Increased Focus on Sustainable Alternatives: The global push towards reducing carbon footprints has led to increased research and development (R&D) efforts focused on bio-based adipic acid. Key players are investing in green chemistry initiatives to replace traditional petroleum-based production methods.
  4. Booming Construction Sector: The application of adipic acid in polyurethane-based foams, coatings, and adhesives is expanding, driven by growth in the global construction industry.
  5. Technological Advancements in Production Methods: Innovations in bio-based adipic acid synthesis, coupled with improved catalytic processes, are improving production efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

Latest Market Trends

Recent Scenarios Affected North America’s Adipic Acid Market

The market was supported by fluctuating benzene prices brought on by changes in the world petrochemicals market brought on by the ongoing economic fluctuations.

Moreover, there was a lack of inventories and fewer products were being stored with the traders and suppliers as a result of the upstream Nylon-6,6 and other textile sectors’ soaring demand for the commodity. The crisis also resulted in a global shortage of shipments, which had an impact on the downstream market mood.

European Market Sentiments on Adipic Acid Market

Due to sustained demand and diminishing supply dynamics, the European market sentiment remained bullish throughout the quarter. Due to reduced barge traffic and vessel load capacities brought on by declining Rhine water levels, the supply of various petrochemicals, including adipic acid, struggled throughout the quarter. Due to consistent demand and limited supply, market participants were compelled to maintain increasing pricing pressure.

Manufacturers are Identifying the Opportunities in the Adipic Acid Market

The adipic acid market is quite susceptible to changes in supply and demand. This is a result of the wide spectrum of downstream industries that rely on it for their manufacturing procedures. Effective volatility management does need ongoing market and price monitoring to ensure that opportunities aren’t lost.

For instance

Genomatica, a leader in sustainable materials, and Asahi Kasei, a global company with a Japanese foundation, have announced a strategic alliance to market nylon 6,61 created from renewable resources and based on Genomatica’s bio-based HMD building block.

In January, Genomatica and the material producer Covestro revealed that a plant-based version of HMDA had been successfully produced in large quantities. The businesses stated that throughout the course of numerous production campaigns, they anticipate producing tonnes of high-quality material.

The businesses want to take the program to its full commercial potential, and Covestro has obtained an option from Genomatica to license the integrated GENO HMD process technology that is likely to be developed as a result of its use in commercial manufacturing.

Adipic acid, also referred to as hexanedioic acid is an organic compound that is commercially formed by the reaction of cyclohexanol and cyclohexanone. The rise in the sales of adipic acid can be attributed to its high purity levels and usage in the manufacture of polyurethane. It is anticipated that adipic acid is widely being used in home furnishing applications such as furniture, carpet underlays, and bedding foams. Moreover, it is having noteworthy implications for cushioning materials to make the furniture more durable and comfortable.

Therefore, it is expected that the adipic acid market is likely to have substantial growth over the forecast period.

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Key Takeaways

“The adipic acid market is experiencing a transformative phase, with sustainability and innovation at the core of its evolution. The growing demand for lightweight, durable materials in the automotive and textile sectors, coupled with advancements in bio-based production technologies, is driving significant market expansion. Companies that invest in green chemistry solutions and explore emerging applications will be well-positioned for future growth.” says Nikhil Kaitwade, Associate Vice President at Future Market Insights (FMI).

Competitive Landscape

The global adipic acid market is characterized by intense competition among key players, including BASF SE, Ascend Performance Materials, Solvay SA, Invista, RadiciGroup, and Lanxess AG. Companies are focusing on expanding production capacities, investing in R&D for sustainable production methods, and entering strategic partnerships to strengthen their market presence.

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Demand Drivers in the Adipic Acid Market

It is identified by the experts of Future Market Insights that there are a number of factors that are contributing to the surge in the adoption of adipic acid in the global market. The major markets for adipic acid are electronics, food & beverage, electronics, pharmaceuticals, textile, and personal care. The following are some factors bolstering the growth of the adipic acid market:

Chemically Resilient Properties: It is witnessed that within the automotive industry, there is a rising demand for strong and durable fibers, that are chemically resilient in nature for the manufacture of automotive parts. Adipic acid is one of the key ingredients for the production of composite materials.

Extensive Research and Development Activities: Textile production technologies are majorly contributing to the expansion of the adipic acid market size due to Research and Development activities carried out in the concerned industry vertical. The companies are focusing on lightweight, high absorption capacity, and high-quality fibers capable of enduring extreme conditions are being manufactured.

Burgeoning Population: The rapid growth of the population is leading to huge infrastructure development activities. This factor is subsequently fueling the demand for paints, coatings, wires, and cables. Adipic acid is used as a dysfunctional crosslinking agent in paints and coatings for certain water-based emulsions. The paced growth of the populace is expected to boost demand for adipic acid during the period 2025 to 2035.

Deterring Factors Curbing Growth of The Adipic Acid Market

Although a number of influential factors are identified to lead to the expansion of the market size, it is also identified that some aspects are likely to inhibit the forwarding pace of the adipic acid market.

High Cost Associated with Raw Materials: The price of raw materials in the adipic acid market is witnessing fluctuations coupled with a high production cost of synthetic-based adipic acid, which is expected to be a key challenge for the market.

Generation of Toxic Elements: the manufacturing unit of adipic acid generates harmful carbon dioxide and a huge quantity of toxic waste due to the use of petroleum-based raw materials that is likely to hinder the market growth in coming years.

Huge Capital Investment: Glucose is commonly used to produce bio-based adipic acid, whereas raw materials required to manufacture synthetic-based adipic acid are petroleum and its derivatives such as paraffin wax & jellies, lubricants & friction modifiers, which require huge capital investment as compared to bio-based adipic acid which in turn is expected to hinder the growth of the synthetic based adipic acid market.

Key Segments of Adipic Acid market

By Application:

In terms of Application, the industry is divided into Nylon 66 Fiber, Nylon 66 Resins, Polyurethanes, Plasticizers, Food and Beverage Additives, Adipate Esters, Others

By End-Use Industry:

In terms of the End-Use Industry, the industry is divided into Automotive Industry, Textile Industry, Construction & Building, Consumer Goods & Packaging, Food and Beverage Industry, and Others

By Region:

Key countries of North America, Latin America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, East Asia, South Asia, Middle East and Africa (MEA), have been covered in the report.

German Translation:

Es wird geschätzt, dass der globale Adipinsäuremarkt im Prognosezeitraum von 2025 bis 2035 ein erhebliches Wachstum verzeichnen wird, was einer starken CAGR von 4,9 % entspricht. Inspiriert von der steigenden Nachfrage in Branchen wie Automobil, Textil und Bauwesen ist Adipinsäure nach wie vor ein wichtiger Bestandteil bei der Herstellung von Nylon 6,6, Polyurethanharzen und verschiedenen Beschichtungen. Es wird erwartet, dass zunehmende leichte und langlebige Materialien im Automobilbau in Verbindung mit dem expandierenden Textilsektor den Markt vergrößern werden. Bis Ende 2035 wird der weltweite Umsatz mit Adipinsäure auf schätzungsweise 11.819,0 Mio. USD geschätzt, was ihre zunehmende Bedeutung in industriellen Anwendungen weltweit unterstreicht.

Marktübersicht über Adipinsäure

Der globale Adipinsäuremarkt zeichnet sich durch seine weit verbreitete Anwendung bei der Herstellung von Nylon 6,6, Polyurethan und verschiedenen anderen Industrieprodukten aus. Es wird mit besseren mechanischen Eigenschaften und Vielseitigkeit in der Industrie für Adipinsäure, eine wichtige organische Verbindung, in der Textil-, Automobil- und Konsumgüterindustrie eingesetzt. Es wird geschätzt, dass der Markt in den kommenden Jahren eine erhebliche Expansion erfahren wird, da die Nachfrage nach leichten Materialien, Polymeren mit hoher Demonstration und biobasierten Optionen weiter steigt.

Die zunehmende Betonung langlebiger und umweltfreundlicher Produktionsmethoden veranlasst die Hersteller auch, biobasierte Adipinsäurelösungen zu entwickeln, was zu einem weiteren Marktwachstum führt.

Treiber des Marktwachstums

1. Steigende Nachfrage nach Nylon 6,6: Adipinsäure dient als wichtiger Rohstoff bei der Herstellung von Nylon 6,6, das in großem Umfang in der Automobil- und Textilindustrie verwendet wird. Die steigende Nachfrage nach langlebigen, leichten Materialien im Automobilbereich lässt den Verbrauch von Adipinsäure deutlich steigen.

2. Expandierende Automobil- und Textilindustrie: Die zunehmende Einführung von nylonbasierten Materialien für verschiedene Automobilkomponenten und Hochleistungstextilien ist ein wichtiger Wachstumstreiber.

3. Verstärkter Fokus auf nachhaltige Alternativen: Der weltweite Vorstoß zur Reduzierung des CO2-Fußabdrucks hat zu verstärkten Forschungs- und Entwicklungsanstrengungen (F&E) geführt, die sich auf biobasierte Adipinsäure konzentrieren. Wichtige Akteure investieren in Initiativen zur grünen Chemie, um traditionelle erdölbasierte Produktionsmethoden zu ersetzen.

4. Boomender Bausektor: Die Anwendung von Adipinsäure in Schaumstoffen, Beschichtungen und Klebstoffen auf Polyurethanbasis nimmt zu, angetrieben durch das Wachstum in der globalen Bauindustrie.

5. Technologische Fortschritte bei den Produktionsmethoden: Innovationen in der biobasierten Adipinsäuresynthese, gepaart mit verbesserten katalytischen Prozessen, verbessern die Produktionseffizienz und Kosteneffizienz.

Neueste Markttrends

Chancen auf dem Adipinsäure-Markt

Wichtige Erkenntnisse

“Der Adipinsäure-Markt befindet sich in einer Transformationsphase, in der Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation im Mittelpunkt seiner Entwicklung stehen. Die wachsende Nachfrage nach leichten, langlebigen Materialien in der Automobil- und Textilbranche, gepaart mit Fortschritten bei biobasierten Produktionstechnologien, führt zu einer erheblichen Marktexpansion. Unternehmen, die in grüne Chemielösungen investieren und neue Anwendungen erforschen, werden für künftiges Wachstum gut positioniert sein.” sagt Nikhil Kaitwade, Associate Vice President bei Future Market Insights (FMI).


Der globale Adipinsäuremarkt ist durch einen intensiven Wettbewerb zwischen wichtigen Akteuren gekennzeichnet, darunter BASF SE, Ascend Performance Materials, Solvay SA, Invista, RadiciGroup und Lanxess AG. Die Unternehmen konzentrieren sich auf den Ausbau der Produktionskapazitäten, Investitionen in Forschung und Entwicklung für nachhaltige Produktionsmethoden und das Eingehen strategischer Partnerschaften, um ihre Marktpräsenz zu stärken.

Regionaler Ausblick

Schlüsselsegmente des Adipinsäure-Marktes

Nach Anwendung:

In Bezug auf die Anwendung wird die Industrie in Nylon 66 Fasern, Nylon 66 Harze, Polyurethane, Weichmacher, Lebensmittel- und Getränkezusätze, Adipatester und andere unterteilt

Nach Endverbraucherindustrie:

In Bezug auf die Endverbraucherindustrie ist die Branche unterteilt in Automobilindustrie, Textilindustrie, Bau- und Bauwesen, Konsumgüter und Verpackung, Lebensmittel- und Getränkeindustrie und andere

Nach Region:

Der Bericht umfasst die wichtigsten Länder Nordamerikas, Lateinamerikas, Westeuropas, Osteuropas, Ostasiens, Südasiens, des Nahen Ostens und Afrikas (MEA).

Authored By

Nikhil Kaitwade (Associate Vice President at Future Market Insights, Inc.) has over a decade of experience in market research and business consulting. He has successfully delivered 1500+ client assignments, predominantly in Automotive, Chemicals, Industrial Equipment, Oil & Gas, and Service industries.

His core competency circles around developing research methodology, creating a unique analysis framework, statistical data models for pricing analysis, competition mapping, and market feasibility analysis. His expertise also extends wide and beyond analysis, advising clients on identifying growth potential in established and niche market segments, investment/divestment decisions, and market entry decision-making.

Nikhil holds an MBA degree in Marketing and IT and a Graduate in Mechanical Engineering. Nikhil has authored several publications and quoted in journals like EMS Now, EPR Magazine, and EE Times.

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About Future Market Insights (FMI)

Future Market Insights, Inc. (ESOMAR certified, recipient of the Stevie Award, and a member of the Greater New York Chamber of Commerce) offers profound insights into the driving factors that are boosting demand in the market. FMI stands as the leading global provider of market intelligence, advisory services, consulting, and events for the Packaging, Food and Beverage, Consumer Technology, Healthcare, Industrial, and Chemicals markets. With a vast team of over 400 analysts worldwide, FMI provides global, regional, and local expertise on diverse domains and industry trends across more than 110 countries. Join us as we commemorate 10 years of delivering trusted market insights. Reflecting on a decade of achievements, we continue to lead with integrity, innovation, and expertise.

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